Dark Parks Books & Collectibles

Prideaux, Mathias.  John Prideaux.

An Easy and Compendious Introduction For Reading all sorts of Histories... The Third Edition, in which is added a Synopsis of Councels. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1655. 4 books in 1. [4}, A-3B4, 3C2, H4. Later calf boards, light chipping to outer edges, rebacked in modern calf with silver gilt title to spine. Some minor foxing, few minor ink stains, short corner tear to A2, no affect. Few leaves with top margins trimmed close. Minor pencil notes throughout. Overall, a nice copy in a sympathetic binding. Third edition. First edition with Synopsis of Councels. Mathias Prideaux (1622-1646), second son of John Prideaux (1578-1650). Mathias, student of Exeter 1640-1645, before receiving his M.A. became a captain in the king’s service. Mathias died of smallpox in London about 1646, this book his only, edited and published after his death by his father. “Political History in Generall” and “History of Successions” have separate titles dated 1653, pagination are continous. “A Synopsis of Councels” is dated 1654, pagination is separate and may also have been issued separately (Wing P3436A), it is a translation of “Consiliorym Synopsis” (Wing P3421).   Wing P3442. Madan III:2261 and 2280. ESTC: R31925.          

History. Politics. World history. Ancient history. England. Saxons. Egypt. Greeks. Romans. Monarchy. Occult. Pagans.          DP20207   $275.00

Pufendorf, Samuel von.   Basil Kennett, trans.

Of The Law Of Nature and Nations. Eight Books... Translated into English... The Second Edition carefully Corrected and Compared with Mr. Barbeyracs French translation... Oxford: Printed by L. Lichfield for A. and J. Churchil, R. Sare, R. Bonwicke, W. Freeman, T. Goodwyn, M. Wotton, J. Walthoe, S. Manship, J. Nicholson, R. Parker, B. Tooke and R. Smith, 1710. Second edition. Corrected. Scarce. Folio. [12], b-f2. A-4X4, 4Y2, a-e2, [1]p. [24], 724, [22]p. Modern antique fine binding Cambridge style blind rules and floral design to boards floral gilt design to spine with gilt rules and title label. Title page with a couple tiny repaired holes at outer margin no affect and unnoticeable . Some light damp stains to first several leaves outer margin and some at last several leaves of book. 2K2 with very small hole to outer lower margin repaired no affect. Lacks first blank. New endpapers. Overall a clean copy. Scarce second edition corrected. At time of description we locate no other copies of this edition for sale via RBH. Priced to go. “Of the Law of Nature and Nations, originally published in 1672 as De Jure Naturae et Gentium Libri Octo, proposed a system of private, public, and international law based on natural law. It was written by Baron Samuel von Pufendorf (1632 – 1694), a German political philosopher, statesman, and historian.The son of a Saxon clergyman, he had originally intended to pursue a career in the church, but after studying theology at the University of Leipzig his interests shifted to politics, law, and philosophy. In 1658 Pufendorf became a tutor to a minister to King Charles X of Sweden, and three years later he was granted a chair at the University of Heidelberg for the law of nature and nations, the first of its kind in the world. Two years after accepting an offer from the King of Sweden to teach at the University of Lund, Pufendorf published this book. Pufendorf was highly critical of those who abused power, whether they did so through the state or the church, and he proposed that international law should not be restricted to Christendom and instead respect the rights of all men. It was highly influential, not only in Germany, where it is said to have contributed to the Enlightenment during the eighteenth century, but throughout Europe and eventually in the United States. Pufendorf’s grounding of political concepts in natural law made him a person of interest to future American leaders such as Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.” [- W&M Law Library].     ESTC: T14114.     Law. Natural law. Politics. Philosophy. Religion. English history. Social sciences.      DP20579 $1500.00

Richardson, Albert D.

The Secret Service: The Filed The Dungeon & The Escape. Hartford: American Publishing, 1865. First edition. 512p. Original embossed cloth faded with spine ends chipped away. Front hinge starting. Illustrated with numerous full-page plates and sheets of music at end. A very good working copy of a well known book. Priced to go. Richardson was a staff journalist for the New York Daily Tribune whom was a secret correspondent in the Civil War. He was captured in 1863 and spent a year and a half in Confederate prisons. in 1864 he escaped from the Salisbury NC prison. While in prison his wife and infant daughter died.     Civil War. American history. Americana. Journalism. Prisoner. Spies.      DP20538   $50.00

Ramsbotham, Francis H.

The Principles And Practice Of Obstetric Medicine And Surgery In Reference To The Process Of Parturition. Philadelphia: Lea & Blachard, 1843. 2nd American edition. Hardcover. 458p. Original calf binding boards worn but strong and fully intact. Scattered foxing throughout but most all plates are clean. Fully illustrated with 52 full-page plates. Some pencil notes. Overall a good working copy priced to go. Francis Henry Ramsbotham (1801-1868) physician and writer. Obsteric physician and lecturer on obstetric and forensci medicine at the London Hospital and physician to the Royal Maternity Charity. Ramsbothams reputation rests on his ‘Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery’ this was one of the first medical books brought out with expensive illustrations and was very successful. [see DNB].         Childbirth. Obstetrics. Partirion. Maternal. Science. Biology. Labor and delivery. Medicine. Surgery. Anatomy. Female body. Babies. Children. Deformities.  DP29684   $50.00

Peck, Francis.

Desiderata Curiosa: Or A Collection Of Divers Scarce And Curious Pieces Relating Chiefly To Matters Of English History; Consisting Of Choice Tracts Memoirs Letters Wills Epitaphs &c... [2 vols]. London: Thomas Evans, 1779. 4to. 2 vols. xvii, [7], 292, [10] &  vi, [10], 293-581, [9]p. Two volumes. Contemporary Etruscan calf bindings some corner edge wear with rebacked spines. Marbled endpapers with brown binding tape at inner margin. Pencil note to first endpaper binding by ‘Edward Halifax’. Plates with some light ghosting to opposite leaves. Foxing spots mostly to outer margins. Volume two with heavier foxing first several leaves at start and center of few pages later. Large margins. Overall a very good copy. With frontispiece and 9 full-page engraved plates. Francis Peck (1692-1743) priest of the Church of England and antiquary best known for his Desiderata Curiosa. The work deals with the history of England and the reign of Queen Elizabeth I during the 17th century.     English history. England. Antiquities. Letters. Essays. Illustrated. Queen Elizabeth I. Biography. Sir William Cecil. Lord Burghley. Monuments. Architecture.     DP20577   $400.00

Roger-Miles, L.

Architecture Decoration Ameublement Pendant Le Dix-Huitieme Siecle Regence - Louis XV. Paris: Edouard Rouveyre, [ND circa 1900]. First edition.

58p. followed by200 tissue guarded plates. Publishers decorative gilt design on dark green cloth blocked in black green and copper. Edges with light wear and rubbing few minor light scratches to covers and spine, little affect. Fully illustrated with 200 full page architecture plates. Text in French.     DP28692   $65.00       

Architecture. French. Illustrated. Decoration. Design. Louis XV.

Pfeiffer, August.

Critica Sacra De Sacri Codicis Partitione, Editionibus Variis, Linguis Originalibus... Lipsiae: Mart. Gabrielis Hubneri, 1702. 8vo. [xiv], 416, [xvi], 47p. Engraved frontispiece and 17 plates most of them folding. Plates are of Eastern languages, alphabets and syllabaries. Contemporary full vellum gilt title at top of spine. Title page red and black text in Latin & some Hebrew. Old owners name in contemporary ink at bottom of title. Inner hing at title open a bit but no affect and strong. August Pfeiffer (1640-1698), German Lutheran theologian, orientalist, writer and superintendent of the city of Lubeck. He is considered one of the theologians that strongly influenced Johann Sebastian Bach. His works can be found in Bachs theological library and in some of his titles.        Linguistics. Language. Symbolism. Alphabet. Sacred scripts. Hebrew.Kabbalah. Talmud. Coptic. Eastern languages. Metrics. J.S. Bach. Classical music.   DP20479  $400.00

Renouard, Antoine Augustine.

Annales De L’Imprimerie Des Alde, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. Two Volumes. Paris: Renouard, 1803. First edition. 8vo. 3 vols in 2. xxviii, 446p., (table), 250p., (editions), ix, 149p, (editions). Two volumes. Contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards, edges rubbed, some minor wear, spine with gilt borders and titles.  First volume lacks frontis portrait, second volume with frontis. Few pages with minor foxing. First half title with three tiny holes, no affect to text. Bookplate in both volumes, inside paste-down “Renate Schuster”. Considered the standard Aldine reference for book collectors, sellers, and the like.    

Bibliography. Aldine. Aldus. Books on books.        DP20197   $350.00

Richaudeau, [Pierre-Francois].

Nouveau Traite Des Saints Mysteres Conforme Aux Regles De La Liturgie Romaine. Paris: Jacques Lecoffre, 1853. First Edition. Very rare. 8vo. x, [1], 480p. Contemporary calf, rebacked, rubbed, hinges started but strong, gilt title and floral decoration. Title page with library notes, stamps of Biblioteca Bianchi Roma, few leaves with minor foxing, else a fine copy of a very rare book. First and only edition of this uncommon treatise on the Holy Mysteries related to the Liturgy of the Catholic Mass. We are unable to locate any sales or auction records of this extremely rare title. In fact, the last record of sale for this author was in 1959. Richaudeau, Pierre Francois (b.1806), author of several religious texts including Vie de la reverende mere Marie de l’Incarnation, ursuline Marie Guyard (1873) and La Prophetie de Blois (1870).  Catholic Church. Liturgy. Mass. Lord’s Supper. Religion. Bible. DP20158   $350.00

Reade, Charles.

White Lies. [From the London Journal]. London: The London Journal, 1857. Nos. 646-666, Vol.XXVI. First Edition. 4to. Dyed red calf over boards, wear to edges and spine. Leaves from 21 editions of the London Journal. 21 engravings by W. Corwin illustrating the story.  With two incidental engravings, one of St. James Music Hall, and one of General Cavaignac. Reade, Charles (1814-1884), novelist and playwright. This is the rare first edition, serialized in the London Journal before the 3 volume novel was published.     Fiction. Literature. Novel.         DP20063   $250.00

Polli, Giovanni.

Saggio Di Fisiognomia E Patagnomonia Ossia.  Dei mezzi di conoscere le interne facolta [?] e la malattie de gli uomini dalle loro esterne apparenze. Milano: Paolo Andrea Molina, 1837. First Edition. 8vo. 380p. Modern two-tone cloth.  Presentation from the author on front flyleaf.  Minor foxing, else fine. Four large  folding plates of figures at end (bound in reverse order). 4 folding plates with numerous heads. Polli (1812-1880) Milanese physician who earned his laureate in medicine in 1837 and taught medicine and chemistry in various schools in Milan.     

Gerlach, Polli 1837. Magli 53:3.       Occult. Physiognomy. Science.          DP20048   $250.00