Dark Parks Books & Collectibles
[Madan, Martin].
Thelyphthora; Or, A Treatise On Female Ruin, In Its Causes, Effects, Consequences, Prevention, And Remedy; Considered On The Basis Of The Divine Law: Under the following Heads, viz. Marriage, Whoredom, and Fornication, Adultery, Polygamy, Divorce… London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1780. True first edition. 8vo. 2 vols. A4, a8, B-2C8, 2D6. (2), B-2F8, 2G2. xxiv, 412, (2), 432, (20)p. Contemporary calf, edges and corners rubbed, some wear, some minor soiling, spines gilt decorated, title labels on red, hinges cracked through but repaired with glue at some point in past, still holds strong. Slight toning of text, some very minor foxing, a couple small ink letters to verso of first title, no affect, some very minor outer edge wear but overall text is clean and crisp. A nice set of a scarce title. Priced very affordable. First edition. True first edition. A three volume set, much more common, was published as an enlarged edition in 1781. Martin Madan (1726-1790) English Barrister, clergyman and writer, best known for his controversial work Thelyphthora, on marriage which advocated polygamy and believed it was justified by Mosaic law. Madan was cousin to poet William Cowper and chaplain to the London Lock Hospital. “In 1780 Madan published a work entitled Thelyphthora, in which he advocated polygamy, taking his stand on the Mosaic law, and elaborately arguing that it is in accordance with Christianity, properly understood. These principles, it may be noted, are said to have been previously held by Lord-chancellor Cowper, Madan's great-uncle, and by Westley Hall, brother-in-law of John Wesley. Even before the appearance of the book Lady Huntingdon (Selina Hastings, religious leader) expressed to the author her readiness to send him a petition against it signed by three thousand persons, and when it was actually published it raised a storm of indignation, criticism, and opposition. Madan consequently resigned his chaplaincy of the Lock Hospital, and retired into private life at Epsom. He occupied his leisure in translating Juvenal and Persius, and other literary and theological work...” [-DNB]. “The “female ruin” that concerned him (Madan) was the rampant sexual exploitation of women in this day through seduction, fornication, adultery, prostitution, concubinage, rape, and various other deviant means by which “the hungry males of our species” use women to their peril and often to the peril of their unwanted children, too, who are aborted, smothered, or abandoned. Madan had seen the fallout of all this first hand as a hospital chaplain in London. There he came upon too many ravaged maidens now saddled with unwanted children, botched self-abortions, or infantcide charges” [-John White: The Western Case for Monogamy Over Polygamy, 2015]. ESTC: T116716. Marriage. Law. Marriage law. Women. Prostitution. Polygamy. Adultery. Sex. Divorce. Religion. Methodist. London Lock Hospital. DP20246 $450.00
"One of Em", editor.
The Wide Awake Gift: A Know Nothing Token For 1855. New York: J.C. Derby, 1855. First edition. 312p. Custom modern binding black pebbled cloth over thick boards title in silver gilt to spine newer marbled endpapers. Illustrated with full-page plates. Very few minor foxing spots to outer margins and some minor edge wear overall just about near fine. Priced to go. Americana. American history. Poetry. Essays. George Washington. Star Spangled Banner. Declaration of Independence. Fourth of July. Freedom. Fine binding. DP20543 $50.00
Oliver, Rev. G. [George].
The Symbol Of Glory Shewing The Object And End Of Freemasonry. London: Richard Spencer, 1850. First edition. Rare. Original publishers blue cloth over boards decorative blind embossed slightly soiled. Gilt rules and Masonic symbols to spine with title. Overall a nice original cloth binding with hinges and endpapers intact and untouched. With Masonic frontispiece and original tissue guard. Very minor foxing only to free endpapers. Book overall is about near fine and in excellent condition. Our copy priced to go. A scarce first edition. choolmaster, topographer and writer on freemasonry. Oliver was also Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.A rare first edition containing a collection of lectures on Masonry. Includes material on Masonic science, poetry & philosophy of Masonry, doctrines, definitions of the Circle & Parallel lines, The Three Great Lights at the foot of the Masonic Ladder, the Cloudy Canopy, and more.
Freemasonry. Masons. Occult. Religion. Symbolism. Esoterica. Secrets. Signs. Ceremonies. Rituals. DP20575 $300.00
Milton, John.
Paradise Lost A Poem, In Twelve Books. London: Jacob Tonson, 1711. First 12mo. edition. [12], 378, [42]p. With portrait frontis and 12 full-page plates. Modern antique calf blind rules to boards spine with gilt borders and red title label all edges gilt. Old owners signature to second blank H.H. Riach [Hugh Heugh Riach] dated 1870 at top no affecct. Several pages mispaginated as called for in ESTC, but continuous and complete with no affect. Scarce edition. A fine copy. Rare in this condition. The Ninth Edition, Adorn’d with Sculptures. ESTC: T133916. John Milton. Paradise Lost. Poems. Poetry. English poetry. Classics. Illustrated. Religion. Occult. Hell. Bible. Adam. Eve. Genesis. DP20491 $600.00
Martini, Jacob.
Disputationum De Messia Judaeorum blasphemiis Oppositarum Decas. [Disputatio I-X.] Wittenberg: Johann Gormann, 1615-16. First editions. 4to. 10 parts in 1 vol. a4,b2,A-C4; A-C4; A4,B2; A-D4,E2; A-B4; A-D4; A-C4; A-B4,C2; A-B4. Unpaginated. Modern vellum backed paste-paper German boards, paper flaw (a paper imperfection white stain) on [2]B3v obscuring few letters of text, tiny pin hole last leaf, no affect. Otherwise a fine copy with wide margins. Martini, Jakob, (1570-1649) important representative of Lutheran school philosophy. Martini began in 1590 to study arts and theology at Helmstedt and continued his studies after1593 in Wittenberg, the principal place of the training of Lutheran orthodoxy. After 1597, he worked as a teacher and as a minister in the north (East Frisia). In 1602 he became a professor of the logic and Metaphysics at Wittenberg. As a pupil C. Martinis, whose humanistic ideals he maintained, he became one of the most successful advocates of the school of rhetorical-dialectically oriented logic. Martini, just as energetically, promoted the re-establishment of Metaphysics as the most essential discipline in philosophy This new School-metaphysics was aristotelian in its tenor, but it didn’t have the form of the older Aristotelian critiicism, but instead a systematic characteristic with an ontological end. It served, with the systematic elaboration of logic, theological interests. This excluded the critical reception, for instance, of the Spanish scholastics and Ramistic humanism. After 1613, Martini, was additionally professor of Ethics at Wittenberg and after 1623, professor of theology which post he held until his death. [See: Biographisch- Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon V, 944.] These disputations were given in a series commencing on the 22nd of July, 1615 and ending on the 13th of January 1616. The pamphlets must have been issued separtately and finally gathered together and reissued with a new title-page and prefatory letter. These are all quite rare. VD17 23:329506G. [Containing: VD17 23:329519M;VD17 23:329524E;[#3 not in VD 17]; VD17 23:329528L;VD17 23:329531;VD17 3:016940M;VD17 23:329534M; VD17 23:329541V;VD17 23:329547R;VD17 23:329552K --based on a single set located in the Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August-Bibliothek which lacks Disputatio #3.] Furst II, 232. Jocher III,229. Adelung IV,851ff. No copy in RLIN or OCLC. KVK adds one set in the National Library of Scotland and another in the BVB.Occult. Judaica. Religion. Theology. Anti-Semetism. Lutheran. Evangellical. Philosophy.
DP20192 $1000.00
Nalson, John.
A True Copy Of The Journal Of The High Court of Justice, For The Tryal of K. Charles I. As it was Read in the House of Commons, And Attested under the hand of Phelps, Clerk to that Infamous Court. London: Printed for H.C. for Thomas Dring, 1684. First edition. Folio. A4, B-T2, B-2M2. [12], LXX, [2], 128, [8]p. [Lacks portrait, not uncommon]. Contemporary calf, some rubbing and edge wear, rebacked, title on label of spine. Page 110 in red print. Small hole to outer margin first leaf, explanation of frontis, no affect. Old repairs to verso of frontis plate and court plate, as well as a few other leaves, with no affect, few tiny worm holes to lower and upper margins, of a few leaves, no affect. Lacks portrait, not uncommon. With rare Members list and bookseller list at end. Overall, a decent copy of a scarce book, at an affordable price. Two full-page plates, lacks portrait, not uncommon. The “Large Introduction” attacks the high court, who committed “the blackest and basest of all crimes” in their conviction and execution of King Charles I. A most interesting transcript of the proceedings of the trial, with speeches by the King before his death and others of interest. Wing T2645. ESTC: R5636.
Charles I. Law. Trials. High Court of Justice. English history. DP20220 $500.00
MacDonald, George.
At The Back Of The North Wind. New York: George Routledge & Sons, [ND] c1890. Hardcover. 378p. Publishers brown decorated cloth, minor shelf wear at edges, couple pages with tiny chip at far corner, else a very clean copy, gift inscription to first blank dated Dec 25, 1892. A nice copy of a scarce book. In protective mylar. Priced to go and much lower than other copies located. Fully illustrated by Arthur Hughes.
Children’s. Young adult. Adventure. Fairy tales. DP26470 $50.00
Mihles, Samuel.
The Elements Of Surgery. In which are contained All the essential and necessary Principles of the Art with an Account of the Nature and Treatment of Chirurgical Disorders and a Description of the Operations Bandages Instruments and Dressings according to the modern and most approved Practice. Adapted to the Use and Camp and Navy as well as of the Domestic Surgeon. Illustrated with Twenty-five Copper-Plates. London: J. & P. Knapton, 1746. First edition. Rare. 8vo. [6], 324, [12]p. Modern antique fine binding full calf with gilt rules to spine. Title on red label. New endpapers. p5 with ink stains at lower margin. Plate C with clean tear at top repaired. Plate numbered Tab 2 appears to be trimmed short. Old owners signature on first blank “Dr. Patrick’s book Ballymena January 1827” Previous bookseller pencil price of 2750 on first blank. Rare first edition. Our copy priced to go. 25 plates. First group lettered A-Y (minus J and V as printed and complete). Second numbered Tabs 1-3. Most all of them are folding. At time of description we find no information on Samuel Mihles, MD in our research. However, the book itself and the numerous plates would seem quite attractive and important to the period. The plates are beautiful and curious to say the least. The book is filled with numerous questions and and answers to numerous important surgical procedures. How to amputate. What are signs of Gangrene. How to dress gun shot wounds. How to search for kidney stones. How to treat a dislocation of the jaw. Many more interesting material. A fascinating work. ESTC: N3452. Alberto Haller Bibliotheca Chirurgica II: 291. Medicine. Surgery. Illustrated. Science. Operative. Military. Chirurgical treatments. Navy. Bandages. Wounds. Wound dressings. Surgical instruments.
DP20501 $1000.00
Olivier. [Jean Olivier - Fencing Master].
Fencing Familiarized: or a New Treatise in the Art of Sword Play. L Art des Armes Simplifie. London: J. Bell & C. Etherington, [1771]. First edition. xlix, 196, [1]p. Modern antique full calf fine binding with floral and gilt rules to spine and edges. English title page laid down with professional repair. French title page with old owners signature excised and professionally repaired no affect.Text in English and French on opposing pages. Folding frontispiece and additional 8 plates which 7 are folding. A couple contemporary ink notes else text content about near fine and with large margins. An excellent copy of the rare first edition with the second edition being quite accessible in the market and the first an uncommon find. Plates and advertisement at verso of last leaf all dated 1771. Bilingual fencing treatise by the famous French fence master Jean Olivier. Well executed plates showing form, technique, & strategy of master fencing & swordsmanship. “Olivier, who kept a flourishing school in St. Dunstans Court, Fleet Street, was perhaps after Angelo, the most popular master of the small sword in London. His work is very sound and thoroughly justifies its French title, as it contains a simplified system shorn of all unnecessary and obsolete details” [-Castle]. Fencing. Sword play. Swords. Swordsmanship. Sports. Short sword. Fine binding. Weapons. DP20469 $1500.00
Montgomery, Florence.
Misunderstood. London: Richard Bentley, 1869. 8vo. vi, 321, [1]p. First edition, second issue, with cancel title. Original publishers decorative maroon cloth, title gilt to spine, minor shelf wear to edges, spine ends slightly frayed, some minor chipping at joints, corners with minor rubbing, inner hinges started, minor foxing to first and last couple leaves, text block toned, bookplate of Eric Quayle to first paste-down, old pencil note to verso of first fly leaf, dedication leaf with tiny bit of chipping at top (binding flaw, no affect). Overall a very nice copy of a very rare book. At time of description we locate only one other copy for sale which has been rebound. In protective mylar. Montgomery's third novel was praised by Lewis Carroll, George Du Maurier and Vladimir Nabokov. Se was an English novelist that drew distinction between her stories for childre and her stories about children, Misunderstood is the latter and was a very successful book, one which is known for its saddening end and the tale of father and son. Children's. Juvenile. Youth adult fiction. Film. Movies. DP26041 $200.00
Nebrija, Antonio. Joannis Gonzalez Manrique, ed.
Dictionarium Aelii Antonii Nebrissensis Grammatici Cronographi Regii... Matriti [Madrid]: Typographia Regia, 1683. Folio. xii, 835p. Contemporary calf with some wear and rubbing to edges, hinges with minor cracking, repaired. Spine with floral gilt design blind title to top of spine. Title in red and black. Entries in Latin and Spanish. Some minor browning to outer edges but overall very good with large margins. First blank with professional repair at top, no affect and likely the removal of an old inscription. This edition though a reprint is important in its own right as it contains important revisions (including 6000 additions) by Manrique. Nebrija (1441-1522), historiam, poet and astronomer, he was one of the scholars of the Spanish Renaissance and sometimes compared to Erasmus. He is well known for writing grammar of the Castillian language. he first issued this Latin/Spanish dictionary in the 15th century. DP20464 $650.00
Dictionary. Spanish. Latin.
Naude, Gabriel.
Apologie Pour Les Grandes Hommes soupconnez de Magie. Amsterdam: Jean Frederic Bernard, 1712. 8vo. *7,**2, A-2F8, 2G4. [20],470,[2]pp. Modern antique speckled calf with blind rules to covers spine with decorative floral gilt and lines black title label. Bookplate and blind-stamps of Earls of Macclesfield. Title in red and black. Frontispiece by J. Lamsveld. Light dampstains to lower margin of last few leaves, else a very nice copy with wide margins. Engraved frontispiece of figures in an allegorical setting by J. Lamsveld with globes and star-gazing equipment, a unicorn and a smiling sun. Naudé (1600-1653) father of French bibliography, physician, librarian to Richelieu and to Mazarin, wrote this defense of great men of the past who were falsely accused of magic. He separates magic into four categories; Divine which is beyond human control, White which includes which is under the aegis of religion, Black which includes witchcraft and is illicit, and Natural which includes astronomy, astrology, chemistry, alchemy, geomancy, and other arts which are unobjectionable. Naudé defends, among others, Agrippa, Merlin,Nostradamus, Roger Bacon, Michael Scot, and Paracelsus. The Earls of Macclesfield bookplate and stamps are presumably that of the 6th Earl, Thomas Augustus Parker, as the bookplate is dated 1860, though the stamps could be older.
STCN 171208. Caillet 7923. Guaita 755/ 1648. Graesse IV,650. Brunet VI,22. Cornell 407. Rosenthal 3004. Robbins 748. Engel 31. Coumont N5.7. Cantamessa 3096. Occult. Witchcraft. Science.Medicine. Magic. Astrology. Merlin. DP20141 $650.00
Neuheuser, Samuel.
Ein Christliche Predig auss dem iii capitel Tobia.Den 16. tag Martii Anno 1585. zu Ulm im Münster gehalten. Bey dem hochzeitlichen Ehrentag desz Ehrwürdigen hochgelehrten herrn Georgii Müllers...Unnd der Rhrentreichen Jungkfrawen Veronica Weissin dess Ehrnuesten und fürnemen herrn Antonii Weissen Seligen hinderlassnen Ehelichen Tochter. Ulm: Johann Anton Ulhart, [1585]. First Edition. 4to. 28p. Disbound. Repair to outre margin of title, no affect. Neuheuser (1531-1595) was a preacher church of Ulm in Münster. He discusses the life of Sarah and other old testament women as an example for Veronica Weiss the daughter of Anton Weiss. VD16 N1352. Theology. Religion. Women. DP20109 $200.00
Mangey, Thomas.
The Gospel Preach'd to the Poor: A Sermon Preach'd in the Parish-Church of St.Sepulchre...at the Aniversary Meeting of the Children Educated in the Charity-Schools in and about the Cities of London and Westminster. London: Joseph Downing, 1726. First Edition. 4to. A-C4, D2. 27, [1]p. Disbound, else fine. Mangey, Thomas (1683/4–1755), Church of England clergyman and classical scholar. "Mangey was an erudite philologist and a prolific writer... Mangey's other published sermons, many of which were preached to prestigious audiences at Whitehall, before the House of Commons, or at the anniversary meetings of famous charities, either pursued an explicitly apologetic aim or dealt with the commonplace theme of benevolence and philanthropy." [-ODNB]. ESTC N27907. [collates as but with var. imprint see ESTC t100834.)
Religion. Theology. Bible. DP20098 $50.00
Mareuil, Pierre De.
Le Commencement Et La Perfection De La Sagesse, Ou La Fuite Du Peche', Et L'Amour De Dieu. Paris: Gabriel Charles Berton, 1744. 12mo. a4,A-2B4,8. [8],302,[2]p. Contemporary green morocco, gilt title, a.e.g.,dentelles, worn at edges, marbled endpapers, signatures of Gifford family. Clean copy. Mareuil (1672-1742) Jesuit author and translator. In 1706 he went to Canada where he was imprisoned by the English.He was for 13 years prefect of studies in Jesuit colleges in France. "After his return to France, Pierre de Mareuil acquired a reputation as a Latinist by publishing religious poems and translating religious or patristic works. In addition his knowledge of English enabled him to translate and publish, among other works, Milton's Paridise Regained." [-Dict. of Canadian Biog.] de Backer/Sommervogel V,539:10. Religion. Theology. Philosophy. Bible. DP20033 $85.00
[Manual of Devotions].
A New Manual of Devotions. In Three Parts. London: W. & W. Ginger, et al. 1802. 8vo. [14], xxvi, 447, [2]p. 1/2 calf over marbled boards (chipped), old signature, some spotting, E9 (p.63-4) corner repair. NSTC M 1075. Religion. Theology. Bible. Prayers. DP20043 $50.00
Moore, Edward.
The Foundling. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-lane.
London: For R. Francklin, in Russel-street, Convent-Garden, 1748. First edition.
4to. A-I4, K2. v, [2], 66, [2]p. Full dyed red calf, gilt rule spine. Title and dedication show foxing, else a clean copy.
Edward Moore (1712- 1757), fabulist and dramatist. His comedy The Foundling was performed in 1748 at the theater in Drury Lane with David Macklin in leading roles and a proluge by Brooke; it had a very successful run, and was praised by Henry Fielding. ESTC T40068.
Plays. Drama. Theater. Drury Lane. DP20019. $150.00