Dark Parks Books & Collectibles
Hildreth, Richard.
Archy Moore The White Slave; Or Memoirs Of A Fugitive. With A New Introduction. New York & Auburn: Miller Orton & Mulligan, 1855. 8vo. xxii, 408, 8p. With 8 full page plates. Modern brown cloth over boards with gilt title to spine. New endpapers decorated in gilt. Some minor foxing mostly to outer margins and outer edges of plates. Clean tear professionally repaired to p357-58. Overall a nice copy of a scarce book. The first abolitionist novel The Slave: or Memoirs of Archy Moore, was published in 1836 by historian Richard Hildreth. It featured an enslaved mixed-race hero, son of a white planter and an enslaved mother, who is herself the daughter of a white planter. When he and his sister decide to escape, they have no problems “in passing oursleves as white citizens”.The title of the 1852 edition referes to the appearance of the hero: The White Slave or Memoirs of a Fugitive. Richard Hildreth (1807-1865) American journalist, author, philosopher, historian and antislavery activist. Best known for writing the six-volume work History of the United States of America covering 1497-1821. Historians consider it a highly accurate politicla history of the early Republic but with strong bias in favor of the Federalist Party and the abolition of slavery. Hildreth was the joint founder and editor of the Boston Atlas and was also author the popular anti-slavery novel The Slave: or Memoir of Archy Moore in 1836. Antislavery. Abolitionism. Activist. Slavery. Prejudice. Americana. American slaves. American history. DP20510 $150.00
Gibson, Thomas.
The Anatomy Of Humane Bodies Epitomized. Wherein All the Parts of Man's Body, with their Actions and Uses, are succinctly described, according to the newest Doctrine of the most Accurate and Learned Modern Anatomists. London: T.W. for Awnsham and John Chruchill, 1703. 8vo. [16], vii, 632p. [title in facsimile]. Modern antique speckled calf with gilt rules to spine and red title label. Title page in facsimile on period paper else book is complete with all 20 full-page engraved anatomical plates, which is rare. The couple other copies we locate for sale are missing plates. Priced to go. Beautiful plates. 6th edition, corrected and improved, both in the discourse and figures. Scarce. Gibson, Thomas (1648/9–1722), physician. "Gibson was admitted a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians on 26 June 1676, and became an honorary fellow on 30 September 1680. He was a presbyterian, and a visit which he and his second wife paid to his nephew John, provost of Queen's College, Oxford, is sourly described by Hearne. Gibson's religion and connections to the Cromwell family led to his being removed from the list of fellows of the College of Physicians when the college received a new charter under James II in 1687. After 1688 Gibson was reinstated and on 21 January 1719 he was appointed physician-general to the army. Gibson published The Anatomy of Humane Bodies Epitomized (1682; 6th edition, 1703), compiled for the most part from Alexander Read's work." [ODNB]. ESTC: T60561. Wellcome 3:114. Russell, British Anatomy 319. Anatomy. Medicine. Science. Illustrated. Physiology. Brain. Head. Sexual organs. Birth. Spleen. Bladder. DP20389 $450.00
Galt, John.
The LIfe of Lord Byron. New York: J. & J. Harper, 1830. Small hardcover. Custom binding. Modern red cloth over boards gilt title to spine gilt flower to cover new endpapers. First blank and title page with old owners signature in ink and a pencil note. Pages uncut some minor foxing but mostly clean. Lord Byron. Literature. Biography. Poets. Poetry. DP20552 $35.00
Greeley, John & John F. Cleveland.
Political Text Book For 1860. Comprising A Brife View of Presidential Nominations and Elections Including All The National Platforms Ever Yet Adopted Also A History of the Struggle Respecting Slavery in the Territories... New York: Tribune Assoc., 1860. First edition. Hardcover. 248, [4]p. Custom modern binding. Blue cloth with some sunning to top edge and spine. Front and back endpapers with old newspaper clipping from the US Civil War adhered. Title page with a short clean tear to inner margin no affect. Some light damp stains but overall a very good copy priced to go. Americana. American history. American presidents. American politics. Politics. Law. Slavery. American slavery. Speeches. Letters. Elections. Presidential elections. Civil War. Military. DP20560 $75.00
Indagine, Johannes [aka Rosenbach]. Fabian Withers, trans.
The Book of Palmestry And Physiognomy. Being Brief Introductions both Natural Pleasant and Delectable unto the Art of Chiromancy or Manual Divination and Physiognomy with circumstances upon the Fates of the Signes. Also Canons or Rules upon Diseases or Sicknesses. Whereunto is also annexed As well the Artificial as Nature Astrologie With the nature of the Planets. London: Printed by J. Cottrel for Edw. Blackmore, 1651. First edition. A-F8, G3-O8 [lacks frontis & G1-G2 supplied in facsimile on later paper]. Fully illustrated. Later antique full calf with floral gilt design to spine and gilted paper label. Small octavo. Frontispiece in facsimile. G1-G2 in facsimile with little text affect [cut off due to print] into inner margins. Some light browning corners rounded. Fully illustrated with palmestry woodcuts and diagrams. F8 top corner torn no affect. L4 with some staining. A very rare first edition of this important early English work on palmestry, physiognomy and astrology. Priced accordingly and affordable. We locate no other copies for sale. Very rare. ESTC shows only one copy in North America and four copies in Brit. Isles. First edition of this version, originally translated from Chiromantia to English by Withers under a different title in 1558. Indagine [ a.k.a. Rosenbach, or Johannes Von Hagen ca.1467-1537] from Hain near Darmstadt, "was an extemely learned man in many fields, and at one time acted as an ambassador to the Pope, though it appears that he had many sympathies with the revolutionary theories of the day..." [-Gettings p177]. His work, first published in 1522, had a great effect on the study of chiromancy and is quoted to our own day. It was frequently reprinted but was placed on the Index of Prohibited Books. "Presumably the combination of astrology, physiognomy and chiromancy with humanistic bias and some approach to Protestant partisanship accounted for its long and widespread currency.. [-Thorndike]. Palmestry. Chiromancy. Physiognomy. Astrology. Occult. Indagine. Illustrated. Disease. Sickness. Horoscopes. Science. Religion. Palm reading. Face reading. DP20564 $1000.00
Holland, J.G.
The Bay-Path: A Tale of New England Colonial Life. New York: G.P. Putnam & Co., 1857. First edition. Custom binding. Modern black cloth with silver gilt to spine artistic brown cloth waves to both boards. Newer brown endapers with gilt stars. A nice copy with clean and crisp pages some minor foxing mostly to outer margins but overall a great copy priced to go. Historical fiction. New England. Americana. American history. Colonial history. American colonies. Fine binding.
DP20553 $65.00
Hume, David. John Miller, ed.
Davidis Humii De Familia Humia Weddeburnensi Liber. Edinburgh: Ediburgh Printing, 1839. First edition. Small folio. xvi, 87p. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards title in gilt to spine minor rubbing still excellent. Content crisp and clean with large margins. Minor foxing to title page and few pencil notes to blank no affect. Introduction in English main text in Latin. List of Abbotsford Club members in front. Transcription of the manuscript held at Weddernburn-house relating to the Hume family in the sixteenth century notabley the slaughter of De la Bastie and the execution of the Chamberlain, Lord Hume and his brother. Scarce insight into Scottish history. David Hume of Godscroft. David Humor [or Home] of Godscroft (1558-1629) was a Scottish historian and political theorist, poet and controversialist, a major intellectual figure in Jacobean Scotland. [see Wiki for more info]. David Hume of Godscroft. Scotland. Scottish history. Abbotsford Club. Wedderburn.
DP29450 $125.00
Hoyland, John.
A Historical Survey Of The Customs, Habits, & Present State Of The Gypsies; Designed To Develope The Origin of this Singular People, And To Promote The Amelioration of their Condition. York: For the Author, 1816. First edition. 8vo. vii, 9-265, [1], [2 ads]p. Modern quarter calf over marbled boards, gilt rules to spine, title label in gilt. Uncut copy with many edges of differing size, p165-168 (two leaves) with corner cut more than others, no affect. Some foxing, as usual, else a fine copy. Hoyland, John 1750-1831, writer on the Gypsies, is variously designated as 'of Sheffield, Yorkshire', and as 'formerly of York.' It was, however, in the counties of Northampton, Bedford, and Hertford that he "frequently had opportunity of observing the very destitute and abject condition of the Gipsy race," whom he began to study in the summer of 1814. He belonged to the Quaker body, and although 'at some time disunited from the society was afterwards reinstated into membership.' His separation may have been due to his falling in "love with a black-eyed gipsy girl" ; but there is nothing to warrant Mr. Simson's conclusion "that the quaker married the gipsy girl." [-DNB]. This work is based on that of Grellman.
NSTC 2H34227. Black, Gypsy,2086. Occult. Gypsies. language. reform. Folklore. Prophecy. Quaker. DP20212 $400.00
Hogarth, William.
Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth; And A Catalogue of his Works... London: J. Nichols, 1781. First edition. 8vo. 154 (of 157, lacks last leaf of postscript and advertisement). Text complete. Modern maroon cloth, paper title label at head of spine. Title page appears to be professional laid-down, no affect, old owners signature in ink at top. Minor foxing, few pencil notes. Small Bedfordshite Library ink stamp to inner margin of title page. Lacks last two leaves, postscript and ad. Includes rare p67-68, not always found in copies (see ESTC). ESTC: T1742. Biography. Bibliography. Books on books. Art. Engravers. Engravings. Artists. DP20201 $200.00
Ittig, Thomas. Alberti Felde.
De Bibliothecis Et Catenis Patrum, Variisque veterum Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum collectionibus Basileensibus, Tigurinis, Parisienibus, Coloniensibus, Lugdunensibus ...[Bound with]: Alberti Feldeís Invictae Demonstrationes Dialogum in Tryphone... Lipsiae & Hamburg: Frederici Lankisii & Benjamin Shiller, 1707. First Edition. 8vo. [8], clxii, 802, [82]. Tryphone: [6], 40 pp. Contemporary vellum with yapp edge, old ink title to spine, old owner’s signatures to bottom of front pastedown. Jacobi Friderici (18th c. writer?). Very minor browning (as usual), otherwise a fine copy. "The works of Ittigius who is called "diligens antiquitatis ecclesiasticae cultor" by Cave, may afford helps to the study, as well as collection, of the earlier Fathers of the Church: a study not less gratifying than profitable; and instrumental alike to the illustration and confirmation of the truths of Christianity" [-Dibdin]. A comprehensive bibliography of the early church fathers organized by geographic location. OCLC locates only 2 copies of the Felde work. Graesse III: 439. Besterman 6087-88. Dibdin I:73. Religion. Bibliography. Books on books. Church. Christian literature.
DP20164 $300.00
Hyacinthe, Themiseul de, Saint. [pseudo: Chrisostome Matanasius].
Le Chef D’Oeuvre D’un Inconu. Poeme, heureusement decouvert & mises au jour avec des Remarques savantes & recherchees... A La Haye: de la Cp, pagnie, 1714. First Edition. 8vo. [2], A-K, f-i, L-X, alternating 8 & 4 collation. [54], 195, 50, [8]. Contemporary calf, floral gilt spine with title label, some wear, chipping at head of spine. Some foxing, light dampstains to top outer margin. N2-N4 (3 leaves) with very minor worm track at far bottom corner, no affect. Trans: “Masterpiece of an Unknown”, fictitious satire of literary styles of the day. Hyacinthe (1684-1746), French satirical writer. French literature. Satire. Comedy. Critics. DP20170 $350.00
Homer. Hesiod. [Greek title].
Odyssea. [Bound with] Carmina. [R.C. Jebb’s copy]. Oxonii [London] & Lipsiae: Johannes Henricus Parker & Caroli Tauchniti, 1855 & 1841. 12mo. viii, 392, iv, 80p. Modern brown cloth, with title in gilt on black label. Page corners slightly rounded from use, pencil annotations (Jebb’s) to outer margins, else a solid clean copy. R.C. Jebb (1841-1905) ownerís signature in contemporary ink, to title page. Jebb was a British classical scholar and politician, member of Cambridge Apostles and intellectual secret society. Jebbís multiple classical publications and intelligence on the subject, earned him the ackowledgment of often being considered the most brilliant scholar of his time. Classics. Homer. Hesiod. Scholars. Greek. Cambridge Apostles.
DP20165 $350.00
Haym, Nicola Francesco.
Biblioteca Italiana, O Sia Notizia De Libri rari Nella Lingua Italiana, Divisa in quattro Parti principali; Cioe Istoria, Poesia, Prose, Arti, e Scienze, Annessivi tutto il Libro dell'eloquenza Italiana di µonsig. Giusto Fontanini col suo Ragionamento intorno alla stessa materia. In questa seconda Edizione aggiuntovi altri Aurori Moderni per maggior commodità de'Letterati, e vi sono posti li prezzi ad ognuno delli medesimi. Con Tavole copiosissime, e necessarie. Venice and Milan: Michel' Antonio Panza, 1741. 4to. *-**4, A-2K4. T.p., [12], 266p. Full vellum, banded spine with title in manuscript. Light browning, few light dampstains. Some leaves with notations (Italian) in old hand. Text in Italian. Italian bibliography of rare books. Bibliography. Italian. Books on books. DP20154 $250.00
Hippocrates. Theodore Jansson, ed.
[Greek Title] Hippocratis Aphorismi, Variorum Auctorum, maxime Hippocratis & Celsi, Locis Parallelis Illustrati. Subjiciuntur Celsi Sententiae Studio & cura Theodori Janssonii ab Almeloveen, M.D. Editio nova diligenter correcta. Strassburg/Basle: Amandus König, 1756. 12mo. [1], *4, A-V6, X4. [10], 181, [37], 30. Full modern crimson calf, black leather label on spine with gilt lettering. All edges red. Light browning and foxing. Rough top edge on frontis, not effecting engraving. T.p. in red and black ink, with notch in top margin, but no effect on text. A nice copy. Engraved frontispiece portrait of Hippocrates, engraved tailpiece to preface. Hippocrates(c. 460- c.377) though spawned from a priestly family, shared the family's secret knowledge of the subject of medicine and became the famous Greek physician that he is known to be today. Wellcome II, p.272. NLM/Blake 213. Medicine. Greek. Classics. DP20112 $175.00
Goldney, Edward.
A Friendly Epistle To The Jews, And A Rational Prayer recommended to them, In order for their Conversion to the Christian Religion. London: for the Author, 1760. First Edition. 8vo. π1,A4,B-M8. viii,176p. Contemporary black morocco with decorative gilt borders, gouge in rear cover, gilt spine, title label (chipped), booklabel of John Mullett. inner hinge started, few minor notes, esle nice copy. Lacks portrait. Goldney debated his theories with Aaron Hart (1670-1756) the chief Rabbi of England. The date has been changed by hand to 1761 and there is a pen note dating the preface to October 1761. Roth, Anglo-Judaica 286:65. ESTC: N18641. Judaica. Religion. England. Anti-Semetica.
DP20091 $250.00
Gilly, William Stephen.
Waldensian Researches During A Second Visit To The Vaudois Of Piedmont. With An Introductoru Inquiry Into The Antiquity And Purity Of The Waldensian Church, And Some Account Of The Compacts With The Ancient Princes Of Piemont, And The Treaties Between The English Government And The House Of Savoy, In Virtue Of Which This Sole Relic Of The Primative Church In Italy Has Continued To Assert Its Religious Independence. London: C.J.G. & F. Rivington, 1831. First Edition. 8vo. viii, [2 errata], 560p. Modern calf-backed leatherette, title gilt (Waldensian mispelled Valdensian), verso of frontis. soiled, foxing (as usual), occ. browning from plates or tissue inserts, otherwise, a nice copy. Lithographic frontis., 2 maps (one folding), 11 lithographic plates, 2 facsimile plates. Smaller extra plate loosely inserted. Gilly,1789-1855, Church of England clergyman. “In 1823 Gilly paid the first of many visits to the Vaudois, a persecuted Christian community in north Italy, which had long attracted the support of continental Protestant churches. During the following year Gilly published a Narrative of an excursion to the mountains of Piedmont, and researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenses (1824), which awoke much sympathy for the Vaudois in England. The Narrative reached a third edition in 1826, and a subscription, headed by the king and Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, was started for the relief of the Vaudois; it was devoted in part to the endowment of a theological college and library at Torre Pellice in Piedmont...Gilly also published a further work on the Vaudois, Waldensian Researches (1831)” [Oxford DNB] “The organization of the Waldenses was a reaction against the great splendour and outward display existing in the medieval Church; it was a practical protest against the worldly lives of some contemporary churchmen. Amid such ecclesiastical conditions the Waldenses made the profession of extreme poverty a prominent feature in their own lives, and emphasized by their practice the need for the much neglected task of preaching." [Catholic Encyclo]. NSTC 2G8432. Vaudois. Occult. Piedmont. Waldenses. Religion. DP20092 $350.00
Gavanti, Bartolommeo & Cuvernon, Robert. Gavanti:Praxis Compendiaria Visitationis Episcopalis. Venice: Junta [Giunta], 1634. [with] Praxis Exactissima Dioecesanæ Synodi Cum Theoria Celebrandæ. In Quatuor Distributa Partes.Venice: Junta, 1634. [With] Enchiridion Seu Manuale Episcorum. Pro Decretis in Visitatione, & Synodo, de quacumque re condendis. Venice: Junta, 1634. [all bound after] Robert Cuvernon. Archipresbyter Et Decanus Ruralis. Paris:Julian Jacquin, 1646. 4to. 4 works in 1. a4,e2,A-X4,Y2; π1,a4,A-C4,D2,a4,A-F4[F4 blank],a4,A-O4. [12], 169, [1]; [10], 28; [8], 86, [2]; [8], 215pp. Full contemporary calf, rebacked with old spine laid-on, corners worn , old owner's names on t.p., some foxing, a good copy. Gavantius (1569-1638), liturgist and member of the Barnabite order, was general of his order and named perpetual consultor to the Congregation of Rites by Pope Urban VIII. Early on he dedicated himself to the study of liturgy, and this was his chief work. It traces the historical origin of the rites, discusses their mystical significance, and gives rules for their observance and obligation of the rubrics. Cardinals Millino, Muto, and Cajetan approved it, and it was dedicated to Urban VIII. Cuvernon was a doctor of the Sorbonne.
Gavanti: BL 17th Italian 382. Camerini, Giunta, Venice 1316. Theology. Religion. Law. DP20088 $350.00
[Howard, Edward. Duke of Norfolk].
Howard, Duke of Norfolk. A Complete English Peerage. [Extract]. [London]: [N.P.], [18th c.]. Scarce. Folio. S-2H2, 2I1. 69-126p. Full black publisher's cloth, little wear to edges. Some minor foxing. Double column format. Two full-page plates (Howard crest and portrait), four folding tables. Apparently a portion of A Complete English Peerage , excised and bound separately. A history of the Howard genealogy up to “present day” of Edward Howard, Ninth Duke of Norfolk. English peerage. English history. Heraldry. Norfolk. England. DP20067 $75.00
Hoyland, John.
A Historical Survey On The Customs, Habits, & Present State Of The Gypsies; Designed To Develope The Origin of this Singular People, And To Promote The Amelioration of their Condition. York: William Alexander, 1816. First Edition. 8vo. A4, B-Q8, R9. viii, 9-265, [1]p. [Lacks ad leaf]. Text complete. 19th c. 1/2 calf, title gilt on label, edges rubbed, top of front hinge started, edges speckled red, old presentation inscription on f.f.e.p., minor foxing, very nice copy. "Hoyland, John 1750-1831, writer on the Gipsies, is variously designated as ‘of Sheffield, Yorkshire,’ and as ‘formerly of York.’ It was, however, in the counties of Northampton, Bedford, and Hertford that he ‘frequently had opportunity of observing the very destitute and abject condition of the Gipsy race,’ whom he began to study in the summer of 1814.He belonged to the quaker body, and although 'at some time disunited from the society was afterwards reinstated into membership.' His separation may have been due to his falling in "love with a black-eyed gipsy girl" ; but there is nothing to warrant Mr. Simson's conclusion "that the quaker married the gipsy girl." ... ‘A Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, and Present State of the Gypsies’ (York, 8vo, 1816), has still some value, though it is mainly based on Raper's translation of Grellmann's ‘Zigeuner.’" [-DNB]. Occult. Gypsy. Anthropology. Sociology. DP20055. $275.00
Hammeleff, H[ans] Chr[istian].
Ideen physiognomischen, physikalischen und beyden verwandten Inhalts. Copenhagen: Sebastian Popp, 1809. First Edition. 8vo. x, 30p. 19th. c boards, title on paper label, rubbed, uncut. Hammeleff (1774/5-1832). Little known about the author. Bibl. Danica 947. OCLC: 14839352 (1 copy only). Litteraturlexicon Denmark: 218. Not in Gerlach. Occult. Physiognomy. Antropology. Medicine. DP20052 $85.00
Grater, Friedrich David & Thomas Overskou.
Breve over den nordiske Mythologie og de nordiske Suddommes artistiske Fremstilling m.v. Copenhagen: Schultziske Officin, 1821. First Edition. 8vo. viii, 102p. 19th c. cloth-backed marbled boards, title on paper label, interleaved with manuscript notes (additions and corrections?). A very good copy. One of Herder's students, Friedrich Graeter (1768–1830), founded the journal Bragur to propagate virtues from the old Nordic-Germanic epics and sagas. Thomas Overskou (1798-1873) Danish author, critic, and historian of the drama. Bibliotheca Danica 577.
Occult. Norse Mythology. Aryan Myth. Germany. DP20060 $125.00
Iffland, A[ugust] W[ilhelm].
Wohin? Ein schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen. Leipzig: Georg Joachim Goschen, 1806. First Edition. Rare. 8vo. 187p. Contemporary marbled boards, some rubbing,minor foxing. August Wilhelm Iffland (1759-1814) was a German actor and dramatic author. His father intended him to be a clergyman, but Iffland preferred the stage, and at eighteen ran away to Gotha in order to prepare himself for a theatrical career...In 1796 he settled in Berlin, where he became director of the national theater of Prussia, and in 1811 he was made general director of all presentations before royalty. Iffland produced the classical works of Goethe and Schiller with conscientious care, but he had little understanding for the drama of the romantic writers...His best characters are simple and natural, fond of domestic life, but too much given the utterance of commonplace sentimentality." [-EB 11th ed.] Goedecke V 269:54. Encyclopedia German Nationalist Literature (1838) 259. Drama. Theater. German. Poetry.
DP20011 $125.00
Grey, Richard.
Memoria Technica: Or, A New Method of Artificial Memory, Applied to and exemplified in Chronology, Geography, History, Astronomy. Also Jewish, Grecian and Roman Coins, Weights, and Measures,.... London: Browne, Whiston, White, Rivington & Fletcher, 1761. Fourth Edition, corrected and improved. 8vo. [2], a-c4, A-Z4, 2Z4, 2B2. [4], xvi, [8], 159, [27]p. Contemporary calf, gilted edges, rebacked. Title in gilt on spine. Several pages with repairs to worming, outer margins. Ex-Libris stamp “Bernard Zufall”, recto of title page. Old owners’ sig. on ffep “M C Fremeuax.” Grey, Richard (1696–1771), Church of England clergyman and writer with imaginative theories on education. Grey’s artificial memory system is based on a table that equates letters with numbers. Once the learner has committed the table to memory, all he would have to do to remember, for instance, a date and name, would be to replace the end of the name with the series of letters that corresponds to the date. Memoria Technica remained in print for over 130 years. Wellcome III: 165 (1st-4th editions).
Mneumonics. Memory. Science. Chronology. Geography. Jews. Greeks. Romans. Coins. Astronomy. DP20017 $200.00
Hoadley, Benjamin.
An Enquiry Into Reasons Of The Conduct of Great Britain, With Relation to the Present Affairs In Europe. London: James Roberts, 1727. First Edition.
8vo. A-O4. 112p. Unbound, as issued, with original sewing intact, trimmed at angle on bottom with minor loss to first catch-mark, old owner's name "Walter Newbery His Book December 29th. 1726" on title page. Title page and last pages soiled with some red leather dust; inner edges of first signatures bent foward. Printer's ornament on t.p.,head-piece vignette, decorated initial. Hoadly, Benjamin (1676–1761), bishop of Winchester. "In 1727 he even turned to foreign affairs, publishing An Enquiry into the Causes of the Conduct of Great Britain, which provided a detailed defence of whig foreign policy and the 1725 alliance of Hanover, emphasizing the crucial role of Britain in the defence of protestantism and liberty." [-Oxford DNB]. ESTC t32769 & n64590. Sabin 32280. European Americana 727/110. Goldsmiths 6501. Kress 3700.
Americana. America. England. Economics. Politics. Law. Government. DP20002 $50.00
Goadby, Mrs. Robert; Robert Goadby; or Bampfylde Moore Carew.
The Life And Adventures Of Mr. Bampfylde-Moore Carew, Commonly Called The King of the Beggars. Being an impartial Account of his Life, from his leaving Tiverton School, at the Age of Fifteen, and entering into a Society of Gypsies; Wherein the Motives of his Conduct will be related and explained: The great Number of Characters and Shapes he has appeared in through Great Britain, Ireland, and several other places of Europe: With his Travels twice through great Part of America. Giving A Particular Account Of The Origin, Government, Laws, and Customs of the Gypsies; with the Method of Electing their King. And A Dictionary Of The Cant Language, used by the Mendicants. London: For J. Barker, [1785?]. Scarce. 8vo. Frontis, [4], 188p. 1/2 calf over marbled boards. Gilt rule title panel on banded spine. Last leaf with paper defect in bottom margin not affecting text. Some offsetting from portrait, ink blemish at bottom. Fine copy. "Carew was born in Devonshire, was tried at Exeter about 1739 or 1740, and banished to Maryland, where he went at the cost of the public. He gives an amusing account of the country, and his adventures in Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, till he embarked at New England for England. His accounts how he bamboozled and bled Whitfield, Thos. Penn, Gov. Thomas, and many others of good repute, are amusing, true or not." [-Stevens]. ESTC N19151. Black's Gypsy Bibliography lists many editions of this famous biography of this gypsy charlatan, but not this one. Occult. Gypsy. Magic. Fraud. Cheats. America. Canada. Newfoundland. Cant. DP20015. $375.00
Hervey, James, Rector of Weston-Favel.
Meditations and Contemplations. In Two Volumes. Containing Meditations Among the Tombs; Reflections on a Flower-Garden; A Descant Upon Creation; Contemplations on the Night and Starry Heavens; A Winter-Piece.
London: for A. Law, W. Miller, and T. Martin, 1794. 8vo. 2 vols. in 1. A-P6, 2, A-O6. xxiv, 25-178, [2], viii, 9-168p. Contemporary calf, rebacked. Gilt lettering on spine. Some minor browning. 2 engraved frontispieces. Hervey (1714-1758). "Hervey's writings were for a long time exceedingly popular. His first work was entitled ‘Meditations and Contemplations.’ The first volume, containing ‘Meditations among the Tombs,’ ‘Reflections on a Flower Garden,’ and ‘A Descant upon Creation,’ was published in February 1745-6, and the second, containing ‘Contemplations on the Night,’ ‘Contemplations on the Starry Heavens,’ and a ‘Winter Piece,’ appeared in 1747. These volumes are filled with truisms expressed in the most inflated language, but were admired by educated persons, and even superseded to a great extent such a powerful work as Law's ‘Serious Call.’ The explanation may in part be found in Hervey's sympathy with the principles of the evangelical revival, and partly in a true appreciation of the beauties of nature, very rare in his time." [-DNB]. ESTC N67119 [Only 1 copy listed.] Lowndes 1056.
ESTC lists only one copy of this edition. Religion. Theology. Flowers. DP20010. $150.00