Dark Parks Books & Collectibles
Cruikshank, George.
A Discovery of Ghosts: With A Rap At The Spirit-Rappers. Illustrated with Cuts. London: Frederick Arnold, 1863. First edition. 4to. 48p. Modern antique quarter cloth gilt ruling over blue marbled boards title in gilt to spine. Bound with original blue wrap covers. An unusually neat and near fine copy. With 9 illustrations throughout. A beautiful copy. Cruikshanks skeptical views on the existence of ghosts, spirit writing and spirit tapping. George Cruikshank (1792-1878) British caricaturist and book illustrator. Englands most popular satirist of the 19th century. Illustrated. Ghosts. Apparitions. Supernatural. Occult. Caricatures. Ghouls. Art. Artists. Cariactures. DP20504 $750.00
The Painter Gilder And Varnishers Companion... Philadelphia: Henry Carey Baird, 1853. 189, 24 pages of ads. Custom modern binding maroon cloth with title gilt to spine. First few leaves with damp stain at lower margin some minor inside margin wear. New endpapers. With 24 pages of ads at end. Priced to go. Painting. Gilding. Varnishing. Glass staining. Art. Artwork. Art instruments. Art technique. DP20541 $20.00
[Burnet, Gilbert]. John Temple.
A Relation Of the Barbarous and Bloody Massacre Of about an Hundred Thousand Protestants Begun at Paris and carried on over all France by the Papists in the Year 1572... [bound with:] The Irish Rebellion: Or An History of the Attempts of the Irish Papists to extirpate the Protestants in the Kingdom of Ireland... London: Printed for M. Cooper, 1745 & 1746. 8vo. 63p., xviii, 294p. Scarce edition. Modern half calf over marbled boards spine with gilt rules and title on red label. First blank with contemporary owners signature in ink and some pencil notes. Few leaves in first work with very small tears to bottom corner and some dings to inner margin no affect. Second title page with some browning to outer margins. Overall a very good copy of two scarce works. ESTC locates only one copy of The Irish Rebellion in North America & only three in the British Isles. The Relation of Barbarous and Bloody Massacre is a scarce edition as well. Massacre of St. Bartholomews Day in Paris on August 24-25 in 1572, plotted by Catherine de’ Medici and carried out by Roman Catholic nobles and other citizens. It was one event in the series of civil wars between Roman Catholics and Huguenots (Protestants) in the late 16th century. The Irish Rebellion of 1641 came about due to resentment felt by the Catholic Irish, both Gael & Old English, in regards to loss of their land to Protestant settlers from England and Scotland. Religion. Protestants. Saint Bartholomews Day Massacre of France. Irish. Ireland. Papists. Irish Rebellion of 1641. History. War. Rebellion. Catholics. Catherine de Medici. DP20562 $450.00
Barlande, Adrian. [Hadrianus aka Adrianus Barlandus].
Chroniques Des Ducs de Brabant. Anvers: Chez Jean Baptist Vrints, MDCIII. [1603]. Small folio. [18], 193], [6]p. Full page engravings by Phillipe Galle and his students. Small folio. Contemporary hard vellum soiled with minor wear holes present at edges for lacking original ties. Title page with corner a bit limp contemporary owners signatures to title. Lacks first blank end paper. Few minor repairs to outer margins no affect. With 34 [of 36] full-page portraits of the Dukes of Brabant. Verso of title page with large heraldic coat of arms of Isabella and Albert of Austria. Lacks map [Not uncommon] which had the other two portraits on either side. We have included the map in facsimile on 18th century paper tipped in freely. Inner hinges slightly split but holding fine no affect. A few contemporary notes at outer margins. Portrait engravings numbered in small pencil notes. A3 bottom corner torn off no affect. Final text leaf with small repair. Text is in French. Last blank free endpaper with torn corner. Rare book with only 5 copies listed in OCLC. We find only one copy for sale (also with no map) at a much higher price. Overall a very good working copy with beautiful portraits priced to go. Presumably the first edition as we find nothing before our publishing date and an edition published by J. Moretus in 1612. Adrian Barlande (1486-1538) Dutch historian and author. Little biographical information is known on Barlande. Brabant. Belgium. Dutch. French. Dukes of Brabant. Portraits. Illustrated. Netherlands. Monarchy. Nobility. Royalty. Costumes. Fashion. Engravings. Dutch royalty. Dutch nobility. War. Engravings. DP20583
Bentley, Richard.
A Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris. With An Answer To The Objections Of the Honourbale Charles Boyle, Esquire. London: Printed by J.H. for Henry Mortlock & John Hartley, 1699. First edition. Scarce. 8vo. cxii, 549 [ie 545], [10]p. Modern fine binding antique full speckled calf with gilt rules to spine and title on red label. New endpapers. E7-E8 with very small corner tear at bottom no affect. Mostly clean and crisp copy with large margins. Armorial bookplate adhered to verso of title page “Thomas Isted of the Middle Temple Esquire”. Last leaf with errata. At time of description we locate no other first edition copies for sale. Richard Bentley (1662-1742), a noted critic and scholar in Classical Antiquities, was part of a close group of friends which included John Evelyn, Sir Christopher Wren, John Locke, and Isaac Newton. Often called the “founder of historical philology”, Bentley is considered the greatest of English classical scholars and is credited with the creation of English school of Hellenism. He was Master of Trinity College Cambridge. “Phalaris, Dissertation on the Epistles of, by Richard Bentley (1699). ‘The Letters of Phalaris’ was a Greek work purporting to be real correspondence of a ferocious Dorian tyrant of Sicily in the sixth century before Christ. The educated world of Swift’s time accepted them as genuine; and Sir William Temple, in a pamphlet assuming the literal truth of many of the wildest legends and myths of antiquity, and setting the ancients in general above the moderns in a series of comparisons curiously naïve for an educated man, had extravagantly lauded them. This led a young Oxford man, Charles Boyle, to edit the ‘Letters’ for English readers of Greek; and in doing this he used an insulting expression with regard to a fancied wrong done him by Bentley, who had just then (1694) become librarian to the King. Bentley had promised a friend, who wished to take the other side in the discussion with Temple, an essay on the Phalaris letters; and in this he showed clearly that they were a clumsy forgery by a Greek rhetorician of about the time of Christ. Boyle took offense in connection with the appearance of Bentley’s essay, and with the help of several Oxford wits brought out a sharp reply, January 1698. It was to dispose of this that Bentley, fourteen months later, March 1699, published his ‘Dissertation’; not merely a crushing reply to Boyle, but in matter and style, on lines which were then new, a masterpiece of literature. It was a brilliant piece of criticism, based on accurate historical research; it presented on several points, which are still of interest, stores of learning rarely ever equaled; and it abundantly testified Bentley’s genius as a controversialist. As a scholar, a learned critic, and a university educator, Bentley stands not only at the highest level, but at the head of the stream which has come down to our time. There began with him a broad and thorough scholarship in Greek and Latin literature, which before him was only beginning to get under way. He is thus to scholars one of the great names of learning and of letters.” [-H.R. Keller The Library of the Worlds Best Literature, 1917]. Bookplate: Thomas Isted (1677-1731), Barrister Virtuoso. Oxford (matriculated 1695). Member of Middle Temple (admitted 1695). His proposers were Samuel Pepys [1633-1703, English diarist and naval administrator. His diaries was first published in the 19th century and are considered one of the most important primary sources for the English Restoration period.] and Sir Hans Sloane [1660-1753, Irish physician and naturalist, collector with a collection of 71,000 items which he bequethed to the British nation thus providing the foundation of the British Museum, the British Library and the Natural History Museum London]. Classics. Criticism. Literary criticism. Phalaris. Hellenism. Philology. Language. Greek. Latin. Scholar. Charles Boyle. DP20498 $700.00
Byron, Lord.
The Poetical Works Of Lord Byron. With Copius Illustrative Notes and A Memoir Of His Life. Complete In One Volume. Illustrated with Elegant Steel Engravings. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, ND. [c1850-1853]. Large hardcover. 715p. Later speckled calf with gilt rules and title label to spine. All edges marbled with marbled endpapers. Full page steel plates. First blank with old owners signature dated 1876 no affect. Contents clean and crisp. An excellent copy. Priced to go. Lord Byron. Literature. Poetry. Poems. Illustrated. DP20556 $75.00
Comstock, J.L.
Conversations On Chemistry In Which The Elements Of That Science Are Familiiarly Explained And Illustrated By Experiments and 38 Engravings On Wood...Hartford: Cooke & Co. & Packard & Butler, 1830. 8vo. 348p. Contemporary calf with minor rubbing to edges title label in gilt to spine. Two full page steam engine plates at front and numerous text illustrations throughout. Some minor foxing. intro page vii-viii with clean tear repaired. Overall a very good copy of a scarce edition. John Lee Comstock (1787-1858) American surgeon and educator. Published more than 20 books primarily on botany chemistry natural history and physiology. In 1828 Comstock was issued the first patent in the US for the waterproofing of cloth or leather. Chemistry. Science. Steam engine. Mechanics. Metals. Light and heat. Acids. DP20521 $40.00
Cooper, James Fenimore.
The Pathfinder: Or, The Inland Sea. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1840. First edition. 8vo. 2 vols. Publishers original plum cloth, paper title labels rubbed away on spine, boards soiled, spines sunned, some minor corner bumping, minor foxing mostly to endpaperss. Vol.1 with modern ink note of author on title, both vols with contemporary old owners ink on first paste-down. Overall, text is clean and binding is tight, an excellent copy of a scarce and important set. In protective mylars. “In 1831, James Fenimore Cooper told his publisher that he wanted to write a story set on Lake Ontario. The book was accepted, but with no hint that it would feature Natty Bumppo from the well-established Leather-Stocking Tales. The Pathfinder (1840) revisits Natty’s military service, extending a story begun in The Last of the Mohicans, and introduces the complications of love against the backdrop of the French and Indian War. Wayne Franklin’s introduction describes the personal and financial circumstances that led to Cooper’s resurrection of his most popular character, underscoring the author’s aim to offer Natty as a Pathfinder for a nation he feared had lost its moral bearings.” [-Harvard Univ. Press]. BAL: 3892. Wright I:656. Frontier. War. Indians. Romance. Natty Bumppo. Americana. DP25955 $450.00
Cicero, Marcus Tulius. William Melmoth, trans.
Cato: Or, An Essay on Old-Age...With Remarks. London: Dodsley, 1773. First Melmouth edition. 8vo. [6], 319p. Old sheep, hinges cracked, small pieces lost from spine ends, first advertisement leaf with small clean tear to inner margin, corners opened, some foxing, a few old notes,large margins, good copy. Engraved portrait of Cicero. Melmoth, William, the younger 1710-1799, author and commissioner of bankrupts..."he chiefly occupied himself in his retirement in translating Pliny and Cicero... In 1753 he published his translation of Cicero's 'Ad Familiares,' with a careful study of Cicero's character in the running comment. His next workæa translation of the 'De Senectute' appeared in 1773." [-DNB]. "We are here presented with one of the finest remains of classical antiquity, in the most elegant form of the English language; and the copius remarks annexed to the essay...discover learning combined with taste, and sentiment with liberality; but such translations as this bring both our language and our learning in their debt." [-Monthly Review quoted by Moss]. ESTCt138223. Moss I,358. DP20205 $100.00
[Brockett, L.P.]
[The Camp The Battlefield And The Hospital: Or Lights And Shadows Of The Great Rebellion]. [Philadelphia:] National Publishing, [1866]. 512, [1]p. Custom binding blue cloth with silver gilt title to spine. Newer marbled endpapers. Lacks title page. With frontispiece and numerous full page plates. Clean and crisp priced to go. Appears to be first edition. Americana. American history. Civil War. Military. War. Spies. Military camp. Hospital. Soldiers. DP20537 $50.00
Brown, Thomas.
The Works of Mr. Thomas Brown, In Prose and Verse; Serious, Moral, and Comical. In Four Volumes. [Samuel Shellabarger copy]. London: Sam Briscoe, 1707-08. Rare first edition of all four volumes. 8vo. 4 vols. [24], 164, [2], 142, 128, [16], 164, [8], 242 of 246, lacks p23-26 supplied in fine facsimile, [2], [8], 156, 147, [1], 160, 388p. Lacks original blank endpapers.A very good copy of a scarce set. At time of description we locate only one other set for sale, which has later editions of volume three and four and is set at a much higher price than ours. ESTC locates only 2 copies (none in the US) of the 1708 first edition fourth volume, and only several of the third volume. All first four volumes are very rare. Modern cloth bindings with red and gilt title labels, very minor shelf wear, modern endpapers, overall excellent. Volume one with some minor foxing/browning, frontispiece and title with very outer margin edge wear, no affect, few leaves with minor corner tears, no affect, p121 [2H6] with few contemporary ink notes. Volume two lacks two leaves p23-26 in second part, supplied in fine facsimile on period paper professionally tipped in (see pics), frontis with small tear at inner margin, repaired, few foxing spots but over all clean. Volume three minor foxing/browning, p13 with tiny burn hole, p125 minor tear at outer margin, no affect, 3C2 with small corner tear, no text affect. Volume four with contemporary owners signature at top of title page, p 165 & 175 with small contemporary note at outer margin, else clean. Each volume with a bookplate of Samuel Shellabarger on inside front board, as well as a bookplate for ‘Morrell’ [Frederic of Broughton Grange - Oxford] on the verso of each title page. With three frontispieces for vols I-III, volume four has no frontis, as issued. First edition. Rare collection of all four volumes being first printings of this set. “Thomas Brown (1663-1704), English satirist, of ‘facetious memory’ as Addison designates him... entered in 1678 at Christ Church, Oxford, where he is said to have escaped expulsion by the famous lines beginning “I do not love thee, Dr Fell.” He was for three years schoolmaster at Kingston-on Thames, and afterwards settled in London... He was the author of a great variety of poems, letters, dialogues and lampoons, full of humor and erudition, but course and scurrilous. His writings have a certain value for the knowledge they display of low life in London... His collected works were published in 1707-1708. The second volume contains a collection of Letters From The Dead to the Living, some of which are translated from the French. [-Theodora-Encyclopedia]. "Tom Brown's life was as licentious as his writings. Much of his time was spent in a low tavern in Gower's Row in the Minories. His knowledge of London was certainly 'extensive and peculiar,' and his humorous sketches of low life are both entertaining and valuable. An anonymous biographer says: 'Tom Brown had less the spirit of a gentleman than the rest of the wits, and more of a scholar. ' As of his mistresses, so he was very negligent in the choice of his companions, who were sometimes mean and despicable." [-DNB]. Interesting to note that DNB states “A collected edition of Browns works in three volumes with a character of the author by James Drake, MD, was published in 1707-8, 8vo.” and lists the correct titles but incorrectly states no fourth volume at same time of publishing, as our copy.
Samuel Shellabarger (1888-1954), American educator and author of both scholarly works and best selling fiction. Often used the pen names John Esteven and Peter Loring. Popular novels of mystery, fantasy and romance, including a couple films starring Tyrone Power. ESTC: T52781. ESTC: T50097. ESTC: N19989. ESTC: N61475.
Literature. Satire. England. Poetry. Letters. Dialogues. Samuel Shellabarger. Frederic Morrell. DP20438 $600.00
Abbott, John S.C. & Russell H. Conwell.
Lives of the Presidents of The United States Of America From Washington to the Present Time... Portland: H. Hallett & Co., [1882]. Hardcover. Revised edition. Modern green cloth binding all edges gilt with original cover laid down on front. Beautiful floral endpapers. An excellent copy. Fully illustrated with numerous full-page plates most of them with tissue guards. A very clean and crisp copy. Of the few copies for sale most are in poor condition our copy is near fine. Priced to go. United States Presidents. America. Americana. American history. Politics. Law. Fine binding. DP20535 $50.00
Barckley, Richard. Thomas Heywood, ed.
The Felicitie of Man, or, His Summum Bonum. London: R. Y[oung] for Rich[ard] Roystone, 1631. First Heywood edition. Rare. 4to. [1], A-2A8, 2D-2X8. [18], 368, 367-526, 607-717, [16]p. Modern antique calf, Cambridge style, blind rules to boards, gilt ruled spine, title label in gilt. Rare frontispiece explanation leaf with top corner torn, chipped away at edges, no affect to text. First few leaves and last few leaves with minor corrosive chipping at outer margins, no affect to text. H1 with minor corner tear, no affect, L1 with clean tear to inner margin, 2H7 with minor corner tear, no affect. Some minor soiling and light browning. Overall, a very good copy of a rare book for an affordable price. Complete. Engraved allegorical titlepage. Barckley, Sir Richard [d.1604] "A garner filled with the most amusing and best histories and little narration, told in the author's own words, and occasionally enlarged, but in perfect keeping and consistency...it purports to be an ethical treatise on human happiness, consisting of six books. In the first, the author offers to prove, and by example to show, that felicity consists not in pleasure; - in the second,not in riches;- in the third, not in honour and glory;-in the fourth, not in moral virtue, after the academicks and peripateticks, nor in philosophical contemplation; - in the fifth, he declares his own opinion of happiness of this life; - and in the sixth, he shows wherein consists the true felicity and Summun Bonum of man, and the way to attain it..." 'To worship and gloriffie God in this life, that we may be joined to him in the world to come, is our beatitude, or Summum Bonum' [Allibone, Critical Dict. of English Lit. I,116.] Jaggard cites as a source for Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and Antony and Cleopatra. STC 1383. Jaggard p15. ESTC: S100783. Hazlitt II:36. Philosophy. Morals. Classics. Shakespeare. Happiness.
DP20211 $900.00
Bright, John W.
A Plain System of Medical Practice Adapted To The Use of Families. Louisville: Morton & Griswold, 1848. Second edition. Modern black cloth with paper title label at spine with marbled edges and new endpapers. Some foxing throughout mostly to outer margins. Overall a very good copy in new binding of a scarce title. Important family medical work of the late 19th century. Though there is no ‘end’ or ‘finis’ page stated end OCLC confirms this edition ending complete at 928 pages as our copy matches. Priced to go. At time of description we locate only one copy [with no date on title page] for sale that is in poor condition. With 4 full page plates and numerous herbal illustrations at end. Second edition. A first edition of 1847 [no date on title page] is a different printing with different pagination. Our copy appears to be a first edition of the revised and updated version. All copies are very rare. OCLC lists only 9 copies worldwide. “It is destined as a friendly visitor to enter many a family and bring comfort to many who are suffering from the common maladies of life. The work is highly commended by the very first physicians and endorsed by them as every way worthy of universal confidence” [-Critical Notices from the Quarterly Review of Methodist Episcopal Church 1848]. Medicine. Science. Herbal. Medical practice. Diseases. Pregnancy. Midwifery. Children disease. Women disease. Men disease. Home remedies. Doctor. Surgeon. DP20490 $250.00
Curtius Rufus, Quintus. Daniel Heinslus, ed.
Historiarum libri. Amsterdam: Lowijs & Daniel Elzevier for Officina Elzevier, 1660. 12mo. *6, A-P12. [12], 338, [20]p. Contemporary mottled calf, gilt spine, worn at edges, lacks f.f.e.p., small hole in t.p. with stain. Engraved title page port. of Alexander in text, folding map (repaired on verso). Curtius Rufus wrote this history of Alexander the Great under Claudius or Vespasian. "The author is an excellent story-teller and makes the most of many thrilling or picturesque incidents in the Asiatic expedition..."[-OCCL]. STCN 166012. Willems 1257. Schweiger 1,320. Rahir 1290.
Classics. Latin. History. Alexander the Great. DP20160 $250.00
Coltellini, Lodovico.
Due Ragionamenti . . . Sopra Quattro Superbi Bronzi Antichi E Due In Specie, Un Creduto Candelabro Cioè, Ed Una Statuetta Puerile, Copn Inserizioni Etrusche Molto Pasrticolasri, Trovati Di Fresco Nei Contorni Di Detta Città. Edizione Arrichita Di Tavole In Rame E Dedicata A Sua Eccel. Sig. Cavaliere Gaetano Antinori Consigliere Di Stato, e Di Reggenza, E Segretario Di Guerra Di Sua Maesta Cesarea, In Toscana. Venice: Giambatista Albrizzi q. Girolamo, [c1750]. First Edition. 8vo. *4, A-K8, L4. [10], 168p. Contemporary vellum, title label, minor wear to edge, a fine crisp copy. 4 foldout engravings, various smaller ones throughout the text. With a chart.The Museo Dell'Accademia Etrusca: In 1727, due to the initiative of three brothers, Marcello, Ridolfino and Filippo Venuti, the Etruscan Academy was born. The Grand Duke of Tuscany, Giangastone dei Medici gave them the use of some of the space in Palazzo Casali where the members could meet. The availability of this space then made it possible to install the Academy museum and library, which was and has continued to be the hub around which studies and research promoted by Cortonese institutions continue to rotate. The museum and the library in fact, were born when one of the members Onofrio Baldelli (1667-1728), an uncle of the Venuti's, donated to the Academy a number of statues, idols, inscriptions, urns, pateras (drinking dishes), cut gems, lanterns, votives and other precios things, to which he added a collection of rare books and antique manuscripts which he had collected during the course of his life as a scholar. [-Cotona on the web]. Borroni, 5117. Cicognara 2565. Morazzoni 223. OCLC: 17642027. Art. Antiquities. Classics.Etruscan. Bronzes. Cortona. DP20145 $200.00
Blavignac, Jean Daniel.
Armorial Genevois, Essay Historique sur les Armoires... Geneve: Principaux Libraries, 1849. First Edition. Rare. 8vo. xii, 368, 42p. 46 plates. Red morocco with gilt rules and floral corners, spine decorated in gilt, title at head of spine, scratch to back board, still a very beautiful binding. Bookplate remnants to first ednpaper, old owners signature to first blank. Contents fine. Frontispiece and 6 of the 46 plates, hand colored. Blavignac (1817-1876), historian, architect, archaeologist, Mason. he participated in the restoration of St. Peter’s Cathedral and served on the City Council of Geneva. Heraldry. Armorial. Military. Illustrated. Geneva. DP20169 $350.00
Birch, Peter.
A Sermon...January 30, 1694. London: Tho[mas] Nott, 1694. First Edition. 4to. A2, B-D4, E1. Later paper wraps, end-pages browned from wraps, first leaf (dedication) chipped at top corner. no affect, wide margins. Birch, Peter (1651/2-1710), Church of England clergyman. "Birch's published works consist of several sermons, some of which were preached before the House of Commons. The most prominent of these was preached on 30 January 1694, the sermon for the fast day appointed to commemorate the execution of Charles I. The sermon applied David's lament over the fall of God's anointed, Saul, to the death of Charles (2 Samuel 1: 21). The sermon, which affirmed the divine right of kings, seemed to bring into question the legitimacy of William III and Mary II. The sermon caused considerable controversy... " [-Oxford DNB]. Wing B2939. ESTC: R2701.
Theology. Religion. Politics. Divine Right. DP20149 $100.00
Aristotle. Immanuel Bekker, ed.
De Re Publica Libri Octo. Berlin: George Reimer, 1855. 8vo. [2], 265, [1]p. Full polished blue calf, prize binding of the "Academia Jacobi VI, Scotorum Regis Edinensis," gilt and blind rules, center gilt stamp, spine gilt, title label, edges marbled, minor shelf wear. Bookplate of Geddes MacGregor. Bekker (1785-1871) important textural critic of Greek literature whose fame rests principally on his critical editions of Plato and Aristotle.
Classics. Greek. Philosophy. Binding. DP20146 $100.00
Cosin, John, Bishop of Durham.
Historia Transubstantiationis Papalis. Cui Præmittitur, atque opponitur, Tùm S. Scripturæ, tùm Veterum Patrum, & Reformatarum Ecclesiarum Doctrina Catholica, De Sacris Symbolis, & Præsentiâ Christi in Sacramento Eucharistiæ Hanc autem Disquisitionem Historicam ante Annos XIX Scribebat, & demùm instanti multorum rogatu excudi permisit paulo ante Obitum Joh. Episcopus Dunelmensis. London: Tho[mas]. Roycroft of Hen[ry]. Brome, 1675. First Edition. 8vo. A8, C-N8. [16], 165, [10]p. Full old calf, blind tooled ruling, stamped panelling, floral gilt spine, title label, hinges started, but strong. Few old pen and pencil notes. Corner off frontis, no affect (see picture). Engraved frontispiece bust portrait of Cosin by William Dolle. Cosin (1594-1672), chaplain to Charles I and a liturgical purist, was responsible for much significant revision in the Anglican liturgy during the Restoration. During the Interregnum, he was exiled to France, having been falsely accused of being a Romanist. "Cosin was a most uncompromising enemy to popery. In France he wrote his 'Historia Transubstantialis Papalis' at the request of Gilbert Talbot, who had undertaken to argue the matter out with a German princeÌ (the Duke of Newbourg), in the presence of Charles II at Cologne, and apparently did not feel quite equal to the task. Cosin readily consented, and showed in his treatise that the church of England held the doctrine of a real presence without in any way countenancing the doctrine of transubstantiation. It was not published until nineteen years after it was written (in 1675), and three years after the death of the author; but the title says it was 'allowed by him to be published a little before his death, at the earnest request of his friends.' It was then given to the world, with an interesting preface by Dr. Durel, in the original Latin." [-DNB]. Wing C6358. ESTC:R2240. Theology. Papal. Religion. DP20128 $250.00
Buchanan, George.
Poemata In Tres Partes Digesta. Pars prima—Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis... London: B. Griffin, 1686. 12mo. A1[-A2-4], B-K12,L8. [Lacks all after Psalms]. [2 of 12], 234[of 621]p. One part only of 5. Modern 1/4 calf over marbled boards, title gilt. Torn title page with minor loss. This copy contains the Psalms only it lacks all after pp234. Buchanan (1506-82) was the tudor to the son of James V of Scotland. He satirized the Franciscans ans was forced to flee to France where he taught at Bordeaux, Montaigne was one of his students. He returned to Scotland and professed his Protestantism and became an enemy of Mary, Queen of Scots. Wing B5292. ESTC: R34415. Bible. Psalms. Scotland. Science. DP20126 $150.00
Bekker, Balthasar. Johann Moritz Schwager, trans. Johann Salomo Semler, notes.
Bezauberte Welt. Leipzig: Weygand, 1781-2. First Semler Edition. 8vo. 3 vols. [18] 464; [14], 474; [12], 716p. Contemp. German paste-paper boards, paper title labels, light rubbing, edges red, old dealer's stamps on paste-downs, signature of owner on t.p.s; light dampstain to outer edge in the third volume. Engraved port. of Bekker on t.p., folding plate in volume 3. "He [Bekker] was the last of the Dutch thinkers from Johan Weyer to Grevius who had kept Holland free from the abuses of the witch hunters... In 1691... he published his attack on belief in witchcraft, on the only logical basis possible: that spirits, either good or bad (the existence of which Bekker did not deny), could exercise no influence over human affairs; nor should seemingly paranormal effects be attributed to witchcraft." [-R.H. Robbins.] Semler of Hale (1725-1791)was "...well known as one of Germany's leading theologians, a founder of 'neologist' interpretation, an approach to Scripture that started with the assumption that the Bible was a human document, to be understood within a historical context. Many Lutheran readers would have also recognized Semler as the expert on modern demonology..." [-H.C. Erik Midelfort, Exorcism and Enlightenment,2005]. Coumont B40.9. Cornell, Witchcraft. 43. Van der Linde, Bekker, 26.
Occult. Demonology. Possesssion. Witches. Witchcraft. DP20137 $1000.00
Butler, Samuel.
Hudibras...Written in the time of the Late Wars... Tory NY: Wright, Goodenow & Stockwell, 1806. First American Edition. 8vo. xi, 286, [14]p. Modern full calf 8vo. Double rule, decoration and title in gilt on spine. Samuel Butler (1612- 1680), satirist; educated at Worcester free school; for some years, page to Elizabeth, countess of Kent, at Wrest, Bedfordshire, c. 1628; clerk to various puritan justices of the peace, including Sir Samuel Luke of Bedfordshire, and Sir Henry Roswell of Devonshire, from whom he derived traits for 'Hudibras'; sojourned in France and Holland; published an anonymous pamphlet in favor of the Stuarts, 1659; secretary to the lord president of Wales, 1660; steward of Ludlow Castle; married a widow with a jointure, and came to London; published 'Hudibras,' part i, 1663, part ii, 1664, and part iii 1668; was neglected by the court, and, according to most authentic accounts, died in poverty. Shaw & Shoemaker 10078. DP20102 $100.00
[Brathwaite, Richard].
Drunken Barnaby’s Four Journeys to the North of England. London: J. Harding, 1805. First edition with new introduction. xxvi, [9], 4-160p. Rebacked, blind floral decoration to spine, title in gilt, over marbled boards, rubbed. Minor foxing, few minor pencil notes. Vignette illustrations by J.W. Harding. Reprint of 1716 edition. Humor. Poetry. Illustrated. English literature. DP20125 $100.00
Alciphron. William Beloe and Thomas Monroe, trans.
Alciphron's Epistles; In Which Are Described, The Domestic Manners, The Courtesans, And Parasites Of Greece. Now First Translated From The Greek. London: G.G.J. and J. Robinson; Leigh and Sotheby; and R. Faulder, 1791. First English Edition. 8vo. A2, B-S8. With 1/2 title and errata. [4], 270p. Contemp. tree-calf, rebacked in sheep, spine worn, ends of spine chipped, corners worn, book label of Scott County Library gift of George G. Watson, library stamps, minor foxing. "The Letters of Alciphron (second century AD) constitute one of the most attractive products of the Second Sophistic. They are fictitious compositions based on an astonishingly wide variety of circumstances, though the theme of erotic love is constantly sounded. The imagination shown by the author and his convincing realism win him a place of distinction in the early development of romantic prose. The letters, which are highly literary, owing much to the New Comedy of Menander, purport to give us a sketch of the social life of Athens in the fourth century BC. The collection is arranged in four divisions: Letters of Fishermen; Farmers; Parasites; Courtesans. Senders and addressees are mostly invented characters, but in the last section Alciphron presents us with several attempts at historical fiction, the most engaging being an exchange of letters between Menander and Glycera." [-Harvard Edition.] ESTC:T86057. CBEL II, 1488. Schweiger, Greek, 21. Hoffmann I,112. Lowndes 26 "well done..." Classics. Greek. Sex. Manners. Farmers. Curiosa. DP20121 $125.00
Benedictis, Antonio (Anton) Ferdinand de.
Saeculum Cabalisticum, ab Anno MDCC. Usque Ad Annum MDCCC. Sub CCCCXLIX. Inscriptionibus, Octingentas Octoginta Quator Cabalas Chronographicas, Et In His Varia; Potiori Autem Ex Parte Moralia Effata Exhibens. Oeniponti: Michael Antoni Wagner, 1757. Second edition, re-edited. Rare. 4to. )(4, A-G4, H6. (8), 59, (6)p. In original paper wraps, with some wear. Light foxing, else nice copy. Fascinating book on Kabbalah and numerology. Not much is known about Benedictis, nobleman and diplomat, he was the author to a pamphlet titled “Corona Honoris” (1727 and later editions), and was perhaps, counselor to the King of Austria. A rare book, with no copies available online, no auction records we could find and no reference citations. Kabbalah. Cabala. Occult. Numerology. Predictions. Judaica. Mysticism. DP20096 $350.00
Cooke, Thomas.
A Practical And Familiar View Of The Science Of Physiognomy Compiled Chiefly From The Papers Of The Late Mr. T. Cooke of Manchester, With A Memoir, And Observations On The Temperaments... London: Mrs. Cooke, and sold at The London Lithographic Institution, 1819. First Edition. x,[2],328,[12]p. Old cloth over paper boards, lettering in pencil on front cover. Uncut copy. Minor marginal stains. Leaf B4 with tear. Contemporary inscription on half title. 7 lithographic plates, lacking silhouette portrait of Mr. Cooke. "...the plates of this work are the first production of the London Lithographic Institution." Cooke (1763-1818) of Manchester, physiognomer whose notes were collected after his death and published for the benefit of his family. Although forms of lithographic prints were experimented with in the earliest part of the 19th century, it did not become popular until 1820 when it exploded upon the scene. This is one of the earliest examples of English use of lithography. BM (Compact) 6,191,665. Gerlach Cooke 1819(var). Tyler 348:16. Occult. Science. Physiognomy. DP20090 $85.00
Allestree, Richard.
The Whole Duty of Man, Containing The faith as well as Practice Of A Christian; Made easy For the Practice of the Present Age, As the Old Whole Duty of man was design'd for those unhappy Times which it was written; And Supplying the Articles Of The Christian Faith, Which are wanting in that Book, Tho' essentailly necessary to Salvation. London: Edward Wicksteed, 1753. 8vo. π2,A-2N8,2O2. [4],x,546,[16]p. Old calf, worn at extremities; 2F1-8 are worn and soiled by use at lower edge with some loss, occ. soiling. Frontispiece with Moses, Jesus and masonic symbol. Allestree, Richard (1621/2–1681), Church of England clergyman. "Allestree's influence on the late seventeenth-century church may owe less to his preaching or his university lectures than to the series of moral and devotional works initiated by The Whole Duty of Man (1657). The Whole Duty of Man was intended to show ‘the very meanest readers’ how ‘to behave themselves so in this world that they may be happy for ever in the next’. This best-selling manual's prescription of morality and effort was balanced by an emphasis on divine grace and devotional practice: the result was sober, orthodox, common-sense advice pitched at the level of ordinary Anglican parishioners. This was an anonymous work and although it rapidly won acclaim among Allestree's peers, its authorship remained a mystery. " [-Oxford DNB]. ESTC: T109221.
Religion. Theology. DP20087 $100.00
Crabb, James.
The Gipsies' Advocate; or, Observations on the Origin, Character, Manners, and Habits of the English Gipises: To Which are Added, Many Interesting Anecdotes, on the Success that has attended the Plans of Several Benevolent Individuals, Who Anxiously Desire Their Conversion to God. London: Baker and Sons, 1831. First Edition. 12mo. [4], viii, 9-167, [1]p. Contemporary cloth, worn, with title on spine, in manuscript. Upper portion of spine damaged. Some foxing. Crabb, James (1774–1851), Wesleyan Methodist preacher. "The work which brought Crabb the greatest public notice, though, was with the Gypsies. Crabb was drawn to the cause of a people seen as outcasts and aliens from society by the harsh treatment meted out to a Gypsy at the Winchester assizes for 1827. In November of that year Crabb formed a committee ‘to take into serious consideration, without loss of time, the peculiar habits, character, and condition of the forlorn Gipseys; and to adopt such measures as might be considered best calculated to promote their general improvement’... He also sought to bring knowledge of the Gypsies to a wider audience through his publication The Gypsies' advocate, or, Observations on the origin, character, manners and habits of the English Gipsies (1831)." [-Oxford DNB]. Black, Gyp. Bibl. 969. NSTC 2C41618.
Occult. Gypsy. Magic. DP20051 $100.00
Cureau de la Chambre, Marin Sr.
L'Art de Connoistre Les Hommes Par Sr. de la Chambre du Roy en ses Conseils & son Medecin Ordinaire. Amsterdam: [Elzevier] Jaques le Jeune, 1660. 12mo. π1, A-L12,M10. [2], 278, [6]p. Full old calf, worn, corners chipped. Banded spine with gilt decoration, damage to head and especially to tail (worming); red speckled edges. Lacks endpapers, worming to front pastedown and lower left margin of t.p. with no loss of text. Browning, occasional damp stain. Engraved title page. Cureau (1594-1675), French popularizing author, academician and physician to Louis XIII, was a protege of Seguier. One of the first to write of scientific and philosophical subjects in French, he produced works on chiromancy, on light and rainbows, on the passions, on the system of the soul, and on the question of rationality in animals. He was one of the most famous palmists of the 17th century. Richelieu singled him out to be one of the first members of the French Academy.
STCN 166012. Willems 1260. Caillet 2728 'Jolie edition'. Krivatsy 3007(incpl.). Cantamessa 1187.
Occult. Philosophy. Animals. Science. Medicine. Astrology. DP20032 $250.00
Brastberger, Immanuel Gottlob.
Evangelische Zeugnisse der Wahrheit zur Aufmunterung im wahren Christenthum. Reutlingen: Gottlob Heerbrant for Lorenz, [c.1758]. 4to. [Lacks t.p.] )(3, 2) (4, A-6Z4, Aa-Zz4. 18th century German dyed pigskin over wood boards, lacks clasps, front hinge starting. Cover in blind decoration with center cameo "Glebe das Gottes.." motto. Lacks title page. Bookplate Alexander E. Oberlander on inside front cover, also with two typed pages describing book content, and provenance from former family members, bound in at start, signed and dated by Oberlander. Brastberger (1716-1764) was a popular German preacher and Spezialsuperintendent at Nürtingen. His sermons on the Gospels are still read and have gone through many editions. GV 1700-1910, v19,359. Religion. Theology. Bible. German. Binding. DP20049 $200.00
Cooke, Thomas.
A Practical And Familiar View Of The Science Of Physiognomy, Compiled Chiefly From The Papers Of The Late Mr. T. Cooke of Manchester, With A Memoir, And Observations On The Temperaments... London: S. Curtis, for Mrs. Cooke, and sold at The London Lithographic Institution, 1819. First Edition. 8vo. x, [2], 328, [12]p. Contemporary decorated calf, gilt title label, chipped, boards rubbed, corners worn, front hinge started. Bookplate of W.H.W. Sabine. 8 lithographic plates, including silhouette portrait of Mr. Cooke. Cooke (1763-1818) of Manchester, physiognomer whose notes were collected after his death and published for the benefit of his family. Although forms of lithographic prints were experimented with in the earliest part of the 19th century, it did not become popular until 1820 when it exploded upon the scene. This is one of the earliest examples of English use of lithography. BM (compact) 6,191, 665. Gerlach Vooke 1819 (var). Tyler 348:16.
Occult. Science. Physiognomy. DP20028 $200.00
Adams, Hanna.
An Abridgement Of The History Of New England, For The Use Of Young Persons. Boston: A. Newell for the Author and for sale by B. & J. Homans and John West, 1805. First Abridged Edition. 8vo. iv, 185, [1]p. Contemp. mottled sheep, spine with gilt rules, title in gilt on red leather label, spine head chipped off, rubbed, presentation label from George G. Mason to Scott County Library, stamp of library on recto of piii, contemp. signature of Sally Barr on f.f.e.p.,typical foxing and light browning, blank corner off pp103-4, other minor flaws but a good copy. "Hannah Adams (October 2, 1755-December 15, 1831), an early American historian and pioneer in the field of comparative religion, was also the first American author to make a living solely from writing. She was the first historian of religions ever to try to represent sects and denominations in terms which adherents themselves used and from their perspective....In 1799 she published A Summary History of New England and, in 1801 [sic, actually 1805], published her edited version of the volume as a schoolbook, An Abridgment of the History of New England. A legal dispute followed with the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, who was publishing his own book on the subject. Leading members of liberal religious families, in appreciation of her work and disliking the orthodox Morse, provided her with legal services and financial support. Morse was obliged to apologize and pay damages—withheld until 1814." [-Unitarians/Universalists. on-line] Shaw & Shoemaker 7830. Americana. New England. Education. Children. Unitarian.
DP 20022 $100.00